Hi everyone and thank you for taking the time to look at our pupil page before you come back to school. Firstly, we’d like to tell you that we are so happy to be able to welcome you all back to school on Wednesday 2nd September. We have been working really hard to get our school ready for you returning and we know that you are going to have a great time!
Hopefully this page will give you an idea of what a day in school will look like when you come back. We will also add some pictures so you can see exactly what it will look like too – coming soon!
What should we wear for school and what can we bring?
We need to limit the amount of things that come into school.
You need to wear your uniform. You will also need to bring a jumper or hoodie as you might get cold because we have to keep the doors and windows open. You should also bring a coat if the weather isn’t great.
Remember to remove any ear rings as they are not part of our uniform.
You will need a water bottle with your name on. Please fill this up at home.
You won’t need a bag. We will send homework and reading books home in a plastic wallet. Please bring back any reading books that you have had at home back to school.
We will give you everything you need for the day so please leave personal belongings at home.
If you bring a packed lunch this should be in a box or small bag – no backpacks.
Your belongings will be kept in the classroom so we don’t want them taking up too much space and we won’t be using the lockers.
What happens when we arrive at school?
Classes will be starting and finishing school at different times, but don’t worry, your school day will not be longer than it was before. This is so the main entrance to school doesn’t get too busy. When you arrive at school you will need to join your teacher on part of the yard which is just for your class. You will then follow your teacher, walking in a line, to your classroom. You will go in through the fire door. This is also the door you will use to go outside for breaks and at hometime. Your parent can walk onto the yard with you, but they must say ‘goodbye’ and leave through the car park which means they cannot wait with you. This is to help with social distancing and to keep us all safe. If you click on the photos it makes them bigger and easier to see.
Please make sure you arrive at school on time!
There will be no breakfast or after school clubs at first.
Once inside school you must wash your hands. We will wash hands and sanitise lots of times throughout the day.
Do we need to socially distance?
Your class will do all of their activities together. You will work together, play together, think together and eat together. Your teacher will tell you where your seat is and you will sit there each day next to your classmates.
Children are not expected to socially distance from other children when you are in school, but you do have to try and stay a safe distance from the adults in school and the adults will do the same with you.
The classes will be kept separate so we are not able to do whole school activities like assembly yet. Break times will be staggered so that the toilets can be used by one class at a time and you will have a separate area on the yard to play which is just for your class. There will be some equipment to play with.
You will notice as you walk around the school grounds and in the corridors, and hall, we have put lots of markers to show you where to walk and stand so that we can keep a safe distance from others when we are queuing for the toilet or lunch. We also have a one way system to get in and out of the school grounds.
What will we be learning during the day?
You will all be doing similar things to what we usually do at school each day like English, Maths, Art, Science, Geography and History, and do PE outside as long as the weather allows us to. We will also do PSHE lessons so that you can talk about how you are feeling at the moment if you want to. The main thing is that we will definitely be doing lots of fun tasks and activities which we are sure you will enjoy!
What happens at lunchtime?
You will have a Lunchtime Supervisor to look after you and when it is your turn to go for lunch you will need to wash your hands before going in the hall. This is very important to keep you safe and to stop the spread of infection. Two classes will eat in the hall at the same time, one class on one side of the hall and the other class on the other side. Everyone will sit facing the same way so you will be sitting next to a class mate, but not opposite one. Your cups, knives & forks will be on the table for you. You must stay in your seat and the Lunchtime Supervisor or a table monitor will take your tray away for you when you are finished.
When you have all finished eating, you will all leave the hall together as a class, visit the toilets, wash hands and they you can go and play in you class space on the yard. When you see other classes you can wave at the other children but you can’t go and play with them – they will have their own special place to play in.
Year 6 and Year 2/3 will eat their lunch in the teaching kitchen which has been set up ready for you.
What if I need to go to the toilet?
At any time of the day, if you need the toilet you should tell your teacher. At break and lunch times you will be asked to use the toilets before you go outside so that you don’t need to come back into school until lesson time. This is to reduce contact with others.
What happens if I hurt myself or feel poorly when I am at school?
If you hurt yourself or feel ill when you are at school, you need to tell the adults looking after your class. If you need some first aid, they might be able to help you right where you are or if they can’t, they will take you to get extra help. The same will happen if you feel poorly or are ill. We might ring your adults at home and ask them to come and collect you. While you’re waiting for them to arrive, you will have to wait in a room with a teacher until you are picked up. You might have to stay off school for a while until you are well enough to come back.
When the adults in school help you, they might have to put on special protective clothing (you might have heard it called PPE) so they can keep you and themselves safe while they help you. Some people think they look funny or a bit scary – it’s okay to think that – just remember it’s just one of the adults you know.
It’s also important that you tell your adults at home if you are feeling poorly as it might be better for you to stay at home until you are better. This picture might help you all decide.
What do I do if I hear the fire bell?
If you hear the fire bell, it means that there is a real fire or it is a fire drill. If this happens, you would do like we have practised before and go outside through the nearest door as quickly, safely and calmly as you can. You will line up with your class as normal. Don’t worry though, your teachers will show you exactly where to go.
How can I stay safe at school?
The adults in school have been working hard to make the school as safe as possible for you to return – as well as being as fun as we can possibly make it! But it’s important that you do your bit too and there are many ways you can help keep you and everyone else safe whilst you are at school.
Washing your hands
You will be washing your hands a lot through the day so you need to remember to do a really good job every time you do it. You must always use soap and water and wash your hands for 20 seconds.
When you cough or sneeze…
You can cough or sneeze into your elbow or a clean tissue. All the classrooms have lots of tissues which you can use. Then you must throw it straight into the bin and wash your hands. We have new pedal bins so you don’t have to touch them with your hands.
Help keep your classroom clean and tidy
We need to keep our classrooms and equipment as clean and tidy as possible. Sometimes dirt is so small that we can’t see it and germs can be left on things we use or touch. You can help by keeping your equipment tidy on your own desk and not putting it on anyone else’s desk. You will notice that all the adults are cleaning everything more often and it will be easier for them if the surfaces are tidy. You might even be asked to help clean your own area. You will also notice that Mr Rigby will be in school all day long so that he can help clean our school and keep it safe.
Any more questions?
We want you to feel as comfortable and excited as possible about coming back to school and we think the more you know, the better you will feel! We hope we’ve thought of everything that you might want to know before you come back, but if you have another question, no matter how small or silly you might think it is, please ask us by sending a message on Dojo.
Thank you for taking the time to read this page and we look forward to seeing you all very soon.