Our office staff, Mrs Foster-Nuttall will answer the telephone when you contact our school.
Special Educational Needs & Disabilities
Mrs R Cook and Miss L Hutton are the SENDCos and our lead SEND Governors are Mrs Jade Watson and Mrs Debs Dixon.
Safeguarding Lead Staff
Mrs R Cook and Mrs V Page are the Designated Safeguarding Lead teachers. Mrs Debs Dixon and Mr Anthony Harbottle-Noppen are our Safeguarding Governors.
Parking & Dropping Off
Parking is limited; visitors to school who are unable to find a space in the staff carpark should park on the main street outside of the school.
Parents and carers are politely asked not to enter the staff carpark and to show consideration to the residents and other users if parking on the street.
If you would like a paper copy (or any other format) of any of our documents on our website please speak to the school office, who will provide them to you free of charge.