Below is a range of information that will help you to get a better understanding of what a return to school will look like for children and will outline the measures we are putting in place to ensure the safety and well being of pupils, staff and our whole school community.
All pupils in Year 1 to 6 will return to school on Wednesday 2nd September. Pupils joining us in Reception have separate visit times and will join us on Monday 7th September.
In order to accommodate a safe return now, more than ever, it is important that everyone follows the correct procedures set up around school, to minimise risk for all of us.
To avoid the area outside of school being busy and to reduce contact with others, the children should be dropped off and picked up at the times below. There will be no breakfast club initially, but we will aim to get this up and running as soon as possible.
Year Group | Start / Drop Off Time | Finish / Pick Up Time | Location |
Year 6 Miss Hutton | 8.45am | 3.10pm | Bottom of yard (near climbing frame) |
Year 5 Mrs Hunter | 8.45am | 3.10pm | Bottom of yard (near exit gate) |
Year 4 Miss Smith | 8.50am | 3.15pm | Bottom of yard (near exit gate) |
Year 3/4 Miss Bartlett | 8.50am | 3.15pm | Top of yard (near entrance gate) |
Year 2 Mrs Simpson | 8.55am | 3.20pm | Bottom of yard (near climbing frame) |
Year 1 Ms Johnson | 8.55am | 3.20pm | Top of yard (near MUGA) |
Reception Mrs Laverick | 8.45am | 3.10pm | Top of yard (near MUGA) |
It is very important that only one adult accompanies a child/siblings to and from school, regardless of their age, so that social distancing can be maintained and we ask that cars park on the main road (Third Street).
There will be a one-way system on and off the site and signs and markers are in place to indicate the flow. Parents will not be allowed inside the building unless there is a specific reason that necessitates this or an appointment is made. Our main office entrance area has a strict 1 person only rule. This is clearly signposted as you approach the main entrance. We ask adults to observe social distancing and to encourage their children to do so too.
You will enter the pedestrian gate with your child and drop them off at the identified location then we ask that you leave via the car park. Please do this quickly and leave the school site and surrounding area quickly ready for the next group arriving.
If you have children with different time slots, please drop them all off at the earliest time given and collect at the latest time allocated.
I understand how hard this may be in the early stages, particularly when children have not been coming to school and may not be used to getting up, dressed and having breakfast in a small timeframe. However, it is important that children are brought to school at their allotted times to reduce unnecessary contact.
If children do arrive out of their slot they will need to come to the school office, socially distancing from others, and they will be taken to their group.
We also ask that parents stick to the allocated pick up times, wait in the allocated location socially distanced from others and your child will be brought out to you. Again then leave via the car park.
On return to school, children will be required to wear school uniform. We want to minimise items brought into school so we’d like children to wear PE kit suitable for outdoors on the days they have PE. You will be informed when this is on their return to school.
Pupils need to wear / bring
- Outside coat
- Uniform
- PE kit / Trainers on PE days only
- Water bottle (available from school for £1.50)
- Packed lunch if needed (box or small bag – no backpacks)
Pupils should not bring
- Book bags (homework etc will be sent in plastic wallets)
- Pencil case
- Bikes / scooters
- Toys / personal items
At lunchtimes, no more than 2 classes will be eating in the hall at any one time – all spread out and staying within their class group. Areas will be cleaned down thoroughly prior to being used by the next class. Children who are not having a school lunch can bring their own packed lunches and these will be wiped down on arrival. The children will remain within their class groups when outside with a designated play area and equipment, and will be supervised in these groups.
Following Government guidance, the children are not expected to socially distance from their class mates but staff are required to socially distance from other staff and maintain a safe distance from the children. Classes will, as much as possible, remain as a ‘bubble’ and there will be no large gatherings such as assemblies.
All surfaces will be wiped down regularly throughout the day, including door handles, switches, toilet handles, taps etc. We will do all we can to maintain a safe and clean school site and building.
Hand Hygiene
All children will be encouraged to wash their hands thoroughly at given points throughout the day: on entry to school, at break and lunch times, before eating, after toileting and before leaving school for the day. We also have hand sanitiser and tissues available in the classrooms.
When your child returns home they should wash their hands, their bottle should be cleaned and refilled, and any packed lunch bags should be wiped with antibacterial products.
Following Government guidance, you are encouraged to walk wherever possible rather than use public transport. This will also help minimise contact.
First Aid / Illness
The government guidelines do not require school staff to wear PPE as a matter of course, however staff have been given the choice to wear whatever level of PPE they are comfortable with for them to successfully carry out their duties in school. In circumstances where a child requires First Aid, is unwell or appears to be displaying symptoms of COVID-19, staff will wear gloves, aprons, face masks and visors as appropriate to protect themselves and your child when social distancing is not an option. If your child has an accident, becomes ill or requires First Aid you may be called to take your child home.
We ask that your child does not come to school if they are ill or if they or anyone in your house is displaying symptoms of COVID 19. If this is the case, you must inform school immediately and let us know the results of Covid tests so that we may take any necessary actions required. It is also expected that Government guidance on isolation is followed.
The symptoms of COVID 19 are:
- a high temperature – this means you feel hot to touch on your chest or back;
- a new, continuous cough – this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours;
- a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste – this means you’ve noticed you cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell or taste different to normal.
If your child becomes unwell at school, with suspected COVID symptoms your child will be isolated in the teaching kitchen or Headteachers Office and you will be asked to take them home, adhere to government self-solation guidance and get your child tested.
Can my child go to school today
Preparing for Return
It would be helpful if you could spend some time looking at the pupil page with your child to help your them to understand that school looks different at the moment and that their are different expectations. The links below may also help with discussions and for any children who are particularly anxious about the virus and returning to school.
When to wash your hands poster
Social Story for Returning to School 1
Social Story for Returning to School 2
It is important that children understand social distancing rules and that they can’t move as freely around school and the playground as they used to.
Please practise washing hands effectively and reminding children about not touching their face, biting nails etc before they return. We will of course sensitively remind children of these throughout the day.
Thank you for taking the time to read this information and we appreciate your support in putting the points mentioned into practice in the weeks ahead. We understand that a return to school may seem very daunting as we continue to live through highly unusual times. Our main aim is to ensure all children, staff and families are kept as safe and at as little risk as possible. We have put extensive measures in place to minimise the risk, but, as you will be aware, we cannot fully eradicate it.
We are really looking forward to welcoming your child back into school. We look forward to hearing what they have been doing and to providing a wide range of activities that we hope they will enjoy and will make them feel fully part of Cotsford once again.
If you have any questions in the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact me. Take care and stay safe.