Archived Science Curriculum Content 2019-2020
Spring 1
In Early Years this term we have observed and explored our reflection. We have completed a reflective walk and investigated which materials are reflective. We used mirrors to look at a variety of reflections. From this we looked at symmetry of butterflies and moths. This led to exploring a lifecycle of a butterfly.
In our Year 1 topic, ‘Animals including Humans’, we learnt about the different parts of the human body and what we need them for. We then compared different types of animals and were able to group them correctly. We were also able to classify animals based on whether they are a carnivore or a herbivore.
The children in Year 2 explored materials and their properties this half term. We looked at properties of materials and thought about how they are suitable. We designed our own kite and chose materials based on their suitability. Mrs Laverick tore her umbrella and we investigated which materials was best to repair it. We tested out which materials were waterproof and the best for the repair! Well done Year 2, amazing investigating.
In Year 6 the children have been learning about Morse code and how it communicates text through a series of dots and dashes. They have worked in small groups to make a circuit with a buzzer and compared different types of switches in their circuit, recognising that to send messages via Morse code; a push-type switch is most suitable. They also carried out tests of electrical conductivity on a range of provided materials, using their results to design and make a switch with the conductors.
Autumn 2
In Early Years this term the children have observed and explored which animals hibernate and are beginning to understand why they do this. They have discussed how foods can be changed when cooled and heated ie. chocolate. They have explored sounds in our local environment and carried out a listening walk.
Year1 learnt the names of all the planets within our Solar System and their distance from the Sun.
The children in Year 2 pretended to be knights going into battle where their primary goal was to inflict as much damage to the castle wall as possible. The children worked in mini armies and investigated which material would make the best projectile. They loved this!
The children also investigated how to make structures stronger using pasta and marshmallows.
During the taste test the Year 3 children were encouraged to use all of their senses to describe the food. They talked about the different food groups and in particular why we need healthy food and water. The children used this to design their own healthy, balanced meal. Year 3 also enjoyed doing experiments with food such as bouncy eggs.
Year 4 have enjoyed investigating the ear and how sound travels. They have identified the parts of the ear and what the function of each part is. They also looked at how sound travels and that it causes a vibration in the air.
To start the Alchemy Island topic, Year 5 had a visit from Captain Chemistry. The children loved taking part in various exciting chemistry experiments with ingredients found in the kitchen. They learned about various chemicals and the reactions they can cause when mixed together. The children developed their understanding of how a chemical reaction can change the state of materials, during processes like burning and the reaction between an acid and bicarbonate of soda.
The children have also created an electrical circuit, to test materials for their electrical conductivity.
Autumn 1
In Early Years this term the children have observed what happens to flowers when they are cut. They have explored the changes in the world during Autumn including going on an Autumn walk and collecting natural materials to make a large leaf hedgehog and natural materials helicopters.
Year 1 began identifying and classifying plants and animals as part of their ‘Enchanted Woodland’ topic.
Year 2 children have been learning about minibeasts – where they live, what they need and how to look after them.
Year 3 thoroughly enjoyed their visit from ‘Animal story’. They had the opportunity to hold a snail, a stick insect and a frog. They looked at the diet of different animals and what they need to survive. The children used this to create food chains for a wide range of animals. They were fascinated with the owl pellet dissection! They examined different types of plants including; carnivorous and parasitic. The children began to find out more about their skeleton by naming different bones and discovering why each bone is important.
Year 4 investigated the human digestive system. They discussed oral hygiene and how to take care of their teeth to keep them healthy. They investigated what different sugary drinks do to teeth enamel and drew conclusions about any changes they could make. The children enjoyed looking at the inner workings of the digestive system, how food moves through the system and what each organ does within the system.
Year 5 have been learning about minibeasts and how they have adapted to suit their habitats. They planned scientific enquiries and observed the movement of woodlice into their preferred habitats. They presented their findings in various ways and also took part in presentations of their research.
Year 6 children were learning about the heart and its function. As a class, they have dissected a pig’s heart and could identify the chambers and valves. They have also planned and carried out experiments based around blood flow through the body. They discussed how to make it a fair test and how a variable can be changed to establish a good set of results.