Maths at Cotsford
At Cotsford, we aim to provide all pupils with a mathematics curriculum which will produce individuals who are literate, creative, independent, enquiring and confident. We also aim to provide a stimulating environment and adequate resources so that pupils can develop their mathematical skills to their full potential.
Mastery teaching.
Fluency involves:
- Quick recall of facts and procedures.
- The flexibility and fluidity to move between different contexts and representations of mathematics.
- The ability to recognise relationships and make connections in maths.
Representation and structure.
Mathematical structures are the key patterns and generalisations that underpin sets of numbers – they are the laws and relationships that we want children to spot. Using different representations can help children to ‘see’ these laws and relationships.
Procedural Variation – This is a deliberate change in the type of examples used and questions set, to draw attention to certain procedures.
Conceptual Variation – When a concept is presented in different ways, to show what a concept is, in all of its different forms.
Mathematical thinking involves, looking for patterns and relationships, logical reasoning and making connections. Teachers will develop detailed knowledge of the curriculum in order to break the mathematics down into small steps to develop mastery and address all aspects in a logical progression. This will ensure deep and sustainable learning for all pupils.
Summer 2
In Early Years the children explored numbers to 20 and also completed some new learning on weight and capacity. They had lots of fun in the sand and water. They have also made tangrams with lots of different shapes.
In Year 1, the children have looked at number and place value within 100. They have developed their understanding of position and direction and also looked at money. They were rather shocked when they found out how much some things cost!
In Year 2/3 the children have been focussing on fractions. They used their knowledge of equal parts to recognise and find halves, quarters and thirds of shapes and quantities. They now have a good understanding of equivalent fractions. As you can see in the pictures below, they have worked very hard to show their workings in different ways and prove their answers.
Year 3 have worked extremely hard, also to understand fractions! They used chocolate to understand equal parts and no one wanted the smallest piece! Fractions helped them to understand the bar model more as well as using the vocabulary denominator and numerator. They were amazing at knowing which one meant the part and the denominator being the whole. They now understand patterns of tenths, decimals and fractions on a number line and how it is the same a regular one. Equivalent fractions, became easier when they used their knowledge of multiplication and division to support. Adding and subtracting fractions with the same denominator was, ‘easy peasy’ but when the denominator was different it made it more of a challenge.
Year 4 have practised multiplying and dividing two and three-digit numbers. They made sure they used the correct method for each calculation.
They also spent some time revisiting fractions including how to find a fraction of an amount and talking about the links between fractions and division.
Year 5 have worked their socks off in Maths learning about cubed numbers and fractions.
They have learned what a proper and improper fraction is and how to convert an improper fraction to a mixed number fraction. They then looked at the relationship between fractions and decimals. Although this has been tricky, they have really excelled themselves.
In year 6 the children have mastered fractions. They began revisiting shapes and pictorial representations to find halves and quarters and quickly moved on to finding fractions of amounts. They developed their knowledge of fractions very quickly and can now add and subtract fractions with the same denominator as well as identifying equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages.
Summer 1
In Early Years this term we explored our number to 20. We have played lots of games and have been completing addition and subtraction number sentences which has been something completely new for us this half term!
In Year 1 we have worked on key skills for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. During home learning, we began to look at length and height and had lots of fun comparing things that are taller or shorter than us. We have started looking at fractions and so far have enjoyed cutting and colouring shapes in halves and quarters.
Year 2 and 3 have been focussing on multiplication and division. We spent a lot of time making sure that we understood how to make and recognise equal groups. The children have worked very hard to calculate the multiplication facts for the 2, 5 and 10 times table. We have now going to use Times Tables Rockstars to quickly recall the facts. As you can see from the pictures below, we have used different methods to calculate the division facts for the 2, 5 and 10 times table.
The children in Year 3 have worked extremely hard this half term with their multiplication tables. Every spare minute they have practiced which leads to better understanding and quicker recall. The children recognised the patterns between multiplication and division, they soon realised how important learning their times tables was! Then they moved onto lengths and perimeters. The children were so pleased to use our adding and subtracting skills again! Even if it meant converting mm to cm, cm to m and vice versa. Tape measures and rulers have been used constantly. In fact, if you stand still long enough someone will measure you!
In Year 4 we have been working hard on the 6, 7, 9, 11 and 12 times tables, focusing on both multiplication and division. We have used lots of different strategies to help us remember the patterns of each one, such as using concrete objects and hundred squares before moving on to problem solving. We have also talked about how multiplication and division are the opposite of each other and how this can help us remember more number facts for each table. We then moved on to look at different ways of multiplying a two-digit number by a one-digit number. Children have also had lots of opportunities to solve problems which challenge them to think in different ways.
The children in Year 5 have ‘worked their socks off’ to develop their understanding of multiplication and division. They enjoyed working with different resources to develop their understanding and had fun using cubes to find cubed numbers.
In Year 6 we have enjoyed using practical resources to support our learning of multiplication and division. We can multiply and divide up to 4 digits and use place value counters to help us with exchanging. We use lots of pictorial representations such as arrays and place value charts to demonstrate how we divide and leave remainders.
Spring 2 – Remote Learning and return to school
We had an amazing time in Reception this half term learning the numbers 9 and 10. We completed lots of different number activities and this has helped us perfect our counting up to 20. We used concrete resources to help us to identify one more and one less than a given number and had great fun exploring 2d and 3d shapes.
Year 1 had great fun during home learning collecting household objects to practise our subtraction skills! We collected many objects to help us visualise the subtraction process and can have been comparing numbers up to 50.
Year 2 / 3 are shape investigators. We explored the vertical lines of symmetry in 2D shapes and sorted 3D shapes by thinking about their properties; such as number of faces, edges and vertices (points). We made different patterns with the shapes we know and drew pictures using them.
We also started to look at multiplication, thinking about equal and unequal groups. We enjoyed making groups using things we had at home.
We are much more confident with place value in Year 2/3 after revising this topic. We can represent numbers in different ways to show how many tens and ones are in a 2-digit number. We have used lots of different resources and styles to help us with addition and subtraction. From our pictures you can see we used; numicon, base 10, part whole and bar models to show our understanding.
Year 3, have had an amazing time working on length and perimeter activities. We investigated perimeter by using numbers up to 3 digits. We compared lengths using standard units and found the difference between 2 and 3 lengths. On return to school, we spent our time revising addition and subtraction using three-digit numbers including exchanging hundreds, tens and ones. We are now experts at this!
As part of home learning, we (Year 4) explored multiplying two-digit numbers by a one-digit number. We also began to explore division, and used fact families to show the inverse (opposite) operation. We used place value and pictorial representations to support us in learning this new topic. We are now more confident answering two-step problems involving multiplication and division.
On return to school, we revised place value and column addition using at least one exchange. We practised using concrete resources to create the largest and smallest four-digit number out of an assorted group of digits. We then revisited part-whole models and found many different ways to represent numbers. To finish the term we practised adding two four-digit numbers using the column method, place value charts and base 10.
Year 5 have loved learning about fractions through a range of practical activities. We have looked at equivalent fractions, proper, improper and mixed number fractions.
We have also enjoyed using concrete resources to help us with our place value knowledge. Using counters and place value grids has helped develop our understanding of addition and subtraction.
Year 6 focused on place value this half term and have become more confident when ordering and comparing numbers up to 1,000 000. We can identify the value of a digit in any number, including decimals. We are now confident when, multiplying and dividing numbers by 10. 100 and 1000 using a place value grid. We spent a lot of time on addition and subtraction and can now add numbers of more than 4 digits, including decimals. and can subtract numbers of more than 4 digits with exchanging.
Spring 1 – Remote Learning
In Early Years this term the children explored numbers 6, 7 and 8. They compared amounts and used their knowledge to begin some addition calculations. They have completed a shape hunt and compared lengths of sticks and found pairs in outdoor learning. Additionally they have explored capacity using liquids and difference using resources at home.
In Year 1 this half term, the children have looked at numbers from 11-20. They have counted forwards and backwards, compared numbers and split numbers into tens and ones. They have learned number bonds up to 20 and used these to help them work out addition calculations. They have used strategies such as making 10, to help them with addition and subtraction, and have also used part-whole models, tens frames, Numicon and concrete resources from home. The children have looked at 2d and 3d shapes, discussing their properties and sorting them into groups.
In Year 2/3 the children started the half term, by looking at money. The children tried to use coins at home and pictures to recognise different coins and notes. They practised counting money, making different amounts and solving problems including, finding the total, finding the change and two step problems.
Then, Year 2 and 3 started to learn about statistics. They made their own tally charts, pictograms with different keys and block graphs. The children interpreted the data by asking and answering simple questions.
Finally, the children have enjoyed exploring 2D and 3D shape. The children have made 2D and 3D shapes with a variety of resources, while they have been learning from home. This has helped them to recognise and name the shapes and begin to recognise some of the properties including; the number of sides, the number of vertices and the lines of vertical symmetry.
This half term the children in Year 3 continued multiplication and division of 3-digit numbers. The children explored the different ways of recording this and began to choose the method which best suited them. They began to understand division with remainders by doing practical tasks before moving onto abstract. The lessons kept focusing on number bonds to 10 and base 10. The children were encouraged throughout home learning to learn their timetables and access Times Tables Rockstars.
This half term, Year 4 have started their Multiplication and Division topic. As part of the children’s home learning they recapped multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100. They then moved on to multiplying by 1 and 0, then dividing by 1 and itself. They explored a range of different methods including pictorial and problem solving questions. They also worked on their knowledge of the 3, 6, 7 and 9 times tables.
Then, the children explored the 11 and 12 times tables and multiplying 3 numbers together. They also had lots of opportunities to solve problems and improve their reasoning skills.
In Year 6 the children have been working on factors and have used Venn diagrams to support their learning of common factors. They have spent some time looking at fractions and have become familiar with the terms, numerator, denominator, equivalent, proper and improper. They have learned to add and subtract fractions that have the same denominator and are beginning to recognise some equivalent forms. Year 6 have also completed work on 2D and 3D shapes where they have identified particular shapes by their properties.
Autumn 2
In Early Years this term the children have continued to work with numbers to 10 and they have been introduced to the + and – symbols. They have explored longer and shorter using measuring snakes and played lots of matching games.
In Year 1 the focus this term was addition and subtraction. The children used their number and place value knowledge to help them. Lessons have been heavily focused on using concrete resources, to help the children to understand what adding and taking away means.
Our mixed Year 2 and 3 class have been focussing on addition and subtraction also. The children have explored fact families and addition and subtraction bonds to 20 in order to support their understanding of higher numbers. They have been working on adding and subtracting ones, 10s and 2 and 1 digit numbers. Some children have been able to use Base 10 to add and subtract 2, 2 digit numbers with exchanges. All children have worked on solving problems with addition and subtraction using concrete objects and pictorial representations.
In Year 3, the children continued with adding and subtracting up to 3-digit numbers. The children explored the different ways of recording this and began to choose the method which best suited them. The children also explored multiplication and division. They recapped on 2’s, 5’s and 10’s. Due to their familiarity with these, they then explored a range of recording i.e., using arrays, bar modelling, grouping and sharing. Once the children became more confident they were then introduced to the 3’s, 4’s and 8 times tables.
In Year 4 the children have been adding and subtracting three and four-digit numbers using the column method. They have solved addition and subtraction problems and continued to build on their knowledge of place value to help them solve increasingly difficult calculations. They have also focused on exchanging ones, tens and hundreds carefully and have now begun to do this more than once in addition and subtraction calculations.
In Year 5 the children have investigated statistics and multiplication and division this half term. Within the statistics unit, the main focus was creating, labelling and interpreting line graphs. The children also looked at interpreting charts and other types of graphs to ensure their understanding. The main focus for the latter part of the term was identifying factors and common factors, which then led to investigating prime numbers. The children have also been building up their times table knowledge by accessing times tables Rockstars and completing band battles within the class and against other classes.
Year 6 have been working on multiplication and division and are beginning to understand the relationship between the two operations. They have been learning how to multiply 3 and 4-digit numbers by 1 and 2-digits using column method and long multiplication as well as using the area model to support finding the area of compound shapes. Year 6 continue to work on times tables, square numbers and using known facts to help them quickly recall other facts.
Autumn 1
In Early Years this term we have been learning to recognise numbers and represent them. We have been introduced to Numicon and also how to count accurately by touching each object. We have explored some 2D shapes and know some of their names.
In maths, the focus for our Year 1 children was Number and Place Value. The children used concrete resources to become confident with numbers up to 10, before moving on to more pictorial and abstract learning. We looked at counting forwards and backwards, one more and one less, ordinal numbers, comparing groups and sorting objects. To do this, we used a mix of representations so that the children could see numbers in different ways.
In Year 2 and 3 the children have worked hard to develop their understanding of place value. The children have practised using concrete resources such as base 10, Numicon and place value charts, part part whole models and pictures to support their learning. They have practised counting forwards and backwards in 2s, 5s, 10s and 3s, recognising tens and ones and representing numbers in different ways. The children can now successfully compare and order numbers to 100 using the correct greater than and less than signs.
Year 3 have focussed on division on place value, this included representing numbers to 100 and then to 1000. The children explored how to write this but more importantly understood each digit and recognised how to draw it. Maths of the Day was introduced every morning during registration to recap and consolidate knowledge. They have also explored number lines to 1000 including finding and estimating numbers. The children enjoyed using a blank number line and paper clip to develop their understanding of numbers and their order. They have also compared numbers using vocabulary greater than and less than.
The children were introduced to addition and subtraction involving ones, tens and then hundreds. They used a variety of methods including column addition and subtraction using concrete and pictorial resources.
In Year 4 the children have been looking at how to represent four-digit numbers, moving on to finding 1000 more or less than a number and exploring varied representations in this area. They have learnt how to round a number up or down to the nearest 10, 100 or 1000, focusing on looking for the correct digit to change in each number. The children have also explored negative numbers and completed an investigation about colder temperatures around the world. Children have had the opportunity to explore Roman numerals and how their existing place value knowledge can be used to read and understand how they are represented. They have also been working on improving their reasoning abilities and in particular, how to explain an answer to a question clearly.
Place value has been the main focus of our learning for Year 5. They have begun to look at numbers to a million and the different values of each of the digits. Building on knowledge from last year, they have been able to round numbers to the nearest 10, 100, 1000 and 10 000. They have also completed negative numberline activities using concrete resources to create their numberline. They have also looked at formal written methods of addition and subtraction; ensuring that calculations are set out correctly to avoid any simple mistakes. During this unit, they have looked at the different elements of problem solving with a greater emphasis of decoding the question and what it is asking them to do.
Year 6 have worked on place value. They have represented numbers up to 10 million and can identify a digit’s value. They have partitioned, compared and ordered numbers and represented these in many ways. Year 6 have also been rounding numbers to the nearest 10, 100, 1000 and 10,000 and can explain rounding rules. When using negative numbers, Year 6 can count and order negative numbers on a number line and can use negative numbers in context.
Please click the link for Maths National Curriculum Information.
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